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Dog behavior training
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Sherry Clark - ABCDT
California, USA
Phone-guided mentoring
Guided Dog behavior sessions.
Values Based Dog Training
A bridge to kinder exercises for trainers.
Private Training Experience
Training experience - 23 years
In-home training.
Teaching staff in 3 animal shelters.
Step-by-step instructions by phone.
Leader in Animal Disaster Group
Living with and training dogs.
Three dog camps where dogs live and train at Sherry's home.
Animal Shelter Volunteer
Worked with seven animal shelters.
Emergency Animal Services Volunteer
Trained for search and rescue.
Leader for emergency shelters.
Animal Behavior Education
Specialty courses.
Online webinars.
In-person seminars.
Animal Behavior College.
Search and Rescue training.
Wolf Park one-week workshop.
Petsmart training for dog trainers.
DO-IT Service Dog trainer training.
Professional and Certification
ABCDT Animal Behavior College Dog Trainer.
Brainy Dog - Opened and trademarked in 2001.
Previous careers
Management, Mediator.
Process improvement.
Engineering Graphics.
Computer automation.
Art - design & pet portraits.
Childhood animal training
Started training at 9 years old through natural communication with dogs and wild animals.
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