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Dogs think, feel & learn.
Please don't give up on your dog
By Sherry Clark

Thank you for giving one last chance.
I’m so happy when people live in peace and harmony with their dogs.
Not all of us are that lucky.
What can you do when your dog causes stress in your home?
Do you manage your dog when company arrives?
Can you only walk your dog late at night so he won’t see other dogs?
Do you have to change your life to accommodate your dog’s behavior?
Are you considering giving up on your dog?
Most dogs can change and live within the guidelines of human society.
Dogs can learn to stop biting and nipping dogs and people.
Dogs can learn to stop chasing squirrels, cats, birds, chickens, cows, horses…and giraffes, if you happen to have a giraffe herd in your backyard.
They can learn to share toys, bones, beds and food. Some dogs have the idea the only food in the world is in their bowl right now. Heck, if we thought the only food in the world was on our plate, we’d be guarding it too. It’s not that difficult to convince dogs they’ll never run out of food.
Peeing and pooping:
Dogs can learn to stop peeing and pooping on the carpet. Really, even the ones to which you think you’ve tried everything.
Dogs can learn to stop barking at airplanes, cars, dogs, people, delivery vans and invisible flying cats.
They can learn to walk on a leash that is so loose there’s absolutely zero tension on your arms. Imagine that for a second.
Fearful dogs can become confident.
Dogs with separation anxiety can learn to tolerate (sometimes even learn to love) being alone.
Start training puppies at eight weeks old if possible. If not at eight weeks, schedule a session the very day you bring your dog home. One dog training session before you bring a dog home will increase your likelihood of success.
Feel like it's the only option?
All of that said, sometimes finding a different place for your dog is the best for your family and your dog. I'll talk to you about that option too, in a respectful, realistic manner.
Sherry Clark, with Brainy Dog, can be reached at (707) 922-6344
Don't give up on your dog
has been published in The Community Voice, Rohnert Park, California, September 1, 2016